When to Call Hospice
When you need help planning end of life care.
During an informational visit, we can help you think through options for yourself or a loved one.
When you are not sure if a patient is ready for hospice care.
Just ask for a free evaluation. Our Medical Director can also discuss the situation with the patient's primary physician.
When a loved one is nearing the end of life.
Call for an informational visit or evaluation if the patient:
has a terminal illness, or
has had two or more hospitalizations for a chronic condition in the past year, or
is eating less, sleeping more, withdrawing from social interactions, and getting progressively weaker.
There is no charge or obligation for information visits or evaluations.
Once a patient is enrolled, all hospice services are paid for by Medicare, Medi-Cal, and private insurance.
Admissions (707) 445-5042