What is Palliative Care?
Palliative care gives relief from the symptoms and stress that arise when someone is coping with a serious illness. Palliative care is available even if a person is still receiving curative treatment; it is not necessary to give up your current doctors.
Home-Based Palliative Care with Hospice of Humboldt
While all people with severely life-limiting illness are eligible for palliative care services, there are some limitations based on medical insurance.
As a benefit of Blue Shield or Partnership Health Plan** members, our Comprehensive Care program provides relief of symptoms and stress that accompany a severely life-limiting illness. We serve alongside your primary care provider and specialists to provide person-first support for you and your loved ones within the comfort of your home.
**For those with other insurance providers, like Medicare Part B, we offer Transitional Care. Private pay options are available for Comprehensive Care. Please contact us for more information.
Comprehensive Palliative Care Team includes:
Certified Palliative Care Medical Provider
Registered Nurse Case Manager
Social Worker
Administrative Care Coordinator
We offer an extra layer of care for individuals and families by providing in-home support that allows people to live their life to the fullest extent possible.
Services Provided
Support in setting the goals for care and the overall life goals
Assist with understanding the medical system
Managing medications and prescriptions
Ordering necessary medical equipment
Organizing meetings to help resolve family conflicts
Assist with filling out complicated medical and social service forms
Educating family members and caregivers on how to give medications and use medical equipment
Assisting with difficult emotional and logistical transitions, such as moving to an assisted living facility
To schedule an appointment or get more information:
Call (707) 267-9880

“The palliative care team has provided me with an exceptional support system making me feel totally at ease with my situation, helping with my ever-changing needs and medications. I am eternally grateful Hospice of Humboldt is there for me and my family.” – SJ